Try beer specials directly from Pilsen
Choose from our wide range of Elektrárna beer specials - lagers, IPA, sour and stout styles.

What we do and who we are
In Plzeňský Prazdroj’s experimental brewery, located in the former power plant, we brew beers that we enjoy. And we hope you´ll like them, too!

Building, technology, brewing process
The brewery has a modern stainless steel 5 vessel brewhouse and cylindro-conical tanks. Everything is designed so that we have enough flexibility to brew different beer styles in small batches, while maintaining the top quality of the resulting beer.

Corporate gifts
We´ll brew you a custom beer or make you your own label for beer specials from our experimental brewery. Whether you want a gift for your clients, business partners or employees, or you´re hosting an anniversary party for your company.
Where to go for a beer
And where can you try our beers? Where people like to try interesting beers, whether it´s bistros, restaurants, cafés or tasting cellars cellars in Pilsen, Prague and Moravia. 😊

Are you interested in our beer?

Matěj Žaba – Prague, North and East Bohemia
Tel: +420 724 617 186

Richard Sequens – West and South Bohemia
Tel: +420 724 617 710

Petr Jedlička – Moravia, Bratislava and surroundings
Tel: +420 735 189 217