Sunrise IPA
Session IPA
Our light summer IPA will refresh you like morning dew at dawn. This beer will lighten up your day with mild tones of citrus and tropical fruit, balanced bitterness and pleasant hop aroma.
alcohol: 3,8 % by volume
, original gravity: 9 % EPM
: 25 IBU
, color: 7 EBC
malts: Pilsner, Bavarian, unmalted oats
hops: CryoPop, Citra
Our beers

Yuzu Ale
Pale Ale
4.9 %

Pale czech lager
4.8 %

English Pale ale
4.0 %

Sunrise IPA
Session IPA
3.8 %

Non-alcoholic IPA
0.5 %

Kisseláč Višeň
Fruited Sour
5.2 %

Irish Dry Stout
5.4 %

Batch #12 Nikka – Imperial Stout
Imperial Stout
10 %

Batch #11 Nikka – Barley Wine
Barley Wine
12 %